Bun fun at annual island festival
The unique Cheung Chau Bun Festival drew thousands to the outlying island of Cheung Chau to experience an ancient thanksgiving ritual, enacted annually by the islanders.
The festival's centrepiece comprised three bamboo towers completely studded with blessedly delicious white buns, specially prepared for the occasion by the island's bakers. Three giant papier-mache deities watched over the proceedings. The Piu Sik (Floating Colours) Parade, featuring kids in fancy dresses seemingly floating in the air, was a highlight. The high jinks of lions and dragons, to the tune of thundering drums and hooting flutes, amplified the excitement. Twirling Taoist priests in tall hats and long, red robes conducted sacred rituals. The festival reached its zenith in the Bun Scrambling Competition, a frenzied scuttle by individuals and teams up a separate tower to grab as many "buns" as they could - the higher the grab, the luckier the snatch.
Photo Date
29 May 2023
Resolution (in pixels)
6112 x 4075
$ 24
Photo ID